Athletic Trainer
Nicole Fonseca, Athletic Trainer (JAG Physical Therapy)
Dehydration and Heat Illnesses Handout
Summer's high temperatures put student-athletes at increased risk of heat illness. There are several types of heat illness. They range in severity, from heat cramps and heat exhaustion, which are common but not severe, to heat stroke, which can be deadly. Although heat illnesses can be fatal, death is preventable if they’re quickly recognized and properly treated.
Healthy Hydration for Young Athletes
Ways to Prevent Fluid Loss From Becoming Detrimental
Parents’ and Coaches’ Guide to Dehydration and Other Heat Illnesses in Children
These guidelines were developed to help parents and coaches increase the safety and performance of children who play sports in hot weather. Children who play sports or are physically active in hot weather can be at risk for heat illnesses. The good news is heat illnesses can be prevented and successfully treated.