Marc Borelli Auto Body
I work at Flemington Auto Body, full time.
Dane Hammond Theatre Arts
I'm currently enrolled in Five Towns College for my BFA in Theatre Arts. I will be entering my sophmore year this coming September.
Jessica Dronebarger Landscape Maint./Floral Design
I would like to say that I miss everyone and I still would love to graduate from there. I am currently attending adult night school at Southern Regional. After I graduate I am going to continue my education in the Business Field.
Matt Goodman Carpentry/Building Trades
I am currently working for Local #455 Carpentry Union. I am thankful for the foundation of skills that I learned at vocational school. Ed Crumb, George Lee and Mike Herrera were helpful in getting me where I am today. It is greatly appreciated.
Nancy Torrone Nursing
Chris Walk Auto Mechanics
August 14 I start college down in Virginia Beach.
Christina Bridgewater Landscape and floral design/Health Occupations
I am attending Middlesex County College in Edison and am doing great !
Ryan Guerard Graphics Art & Design
I am currently working at my Screen Printing job at Efinger's in Bound Brook. Will be planning to further study Graphics Art for school as soon as possible. Decided to take a couple of years off to benefit myself and decide what I truly desire which field of art to study.
Emily Heron Commercial Arts
I am attending Edinboro University. I am majoring in Animation.
Chan em e@yahoo.com
Jessica Vaccaro Cosmetology
Right now I am attending Monmouth University as a Social Work Major.
Kelly Bacorn Culinary
I currently work at Johnson & Johnson, as I have since 2005. I still do Cakes on the side, for fun.. I am engaged and getting married in 8 months!!
Brittany Puzio Culinary Arts
Jessica Stanley Art & Design
(Still very interested in performing arts environment) Finishing my second year at Montclair State University. Working on my art portfolio, have had a few 3D installation/performance pieces! :)
Matt Dieterman Diesel
currently working for Somerset County Vehicle Maintenance (big thanks to Mr. H for the job info) The kids are doing great too. Had a little guy on 1/21/07. 8 pounds 11 ounces.
Tam J. Garcia Performing Arts - Musical Theatre
I am currently singing and playing guitar for the Hub City Stompers, based out of New Brunswick and performing on my own as a singer/song writer. I am also in the process, with several childhood friends, of creating our Management company.
Latin poet 72586@yahoo.com
Ernie Hall Culinary Arts
I am very excited about this idea of alumni group and I am willing to as they say head this committee and any thing that has to do with it. I am working for Bridgewater schools as a cook.
Colleen (Smith) Jaczuk Cosmetology
Megan Ramon Health Occupations
am currently working at the ARC of Middlesex County. I work with adults with deveolpmental disabilites and enjoy it each and every day. I am an EMT but unable to work, or volunteer due to fibromyalsia. I am doing well and if all goes well maybe I will be able to do that again one day, but "cant live with the what-if's". So I'm opening my own business as a wedding and event planner hopfully by the end of March. Im getting it all together now. I married my high school sweetheart Thomas Ramon. We were married June, 14, 2008 and july 24 Thomas had major open heart surgery (as expected) and he's doing well. I guess the power of healing will always be with me :-). So besides from always making sure he's ok, and taking his coumadin, were doing great. No children yet, but maybe in a few years. Another Vo-tech match!
Thank you to all my teachers my senior year! And thank you to Mr. Jones! And also Congrats to Mrs. V. I'm so happy you got teacher of the year. Now all can see what a great teacher you are and the length you will go for your students, but what a great person you are! Hope everythings well! Please feel free to e-mail me.
Todd Borelli Graphic Arts and Design
Jason Chmielewski Culinary Arts
Working for a transportation brokerage company.
Jolaine Duncan Aguilar Landscaping
Currently got married, have 4 beautiful kids 3 boys and a girl, im a stay at home mom, enjoy watching my children grow I married My high school sweetheart Michael Aguilar..and is currently living in Oklahoma
Jeremy Reynolds Carpentry
I am in the army as a movement specialist tracking and locating high proitory cargo and persons Iraq wide.
A nthony Velez Electrical Construction
U.S. Air Force.Enlisted since Jan 2004, currently station at Elmendorf AFB Alaska. 2002 |
Jorge Mario Linarez Auto body
US Navy
Kevin McMorrow Auto Mechanics
Working at Millennium Volkswagen and Tom DeLucas Towing Jennifer Smith Health Occupation Shannon Toth Cosmetology |
Amir (Harris) De La Nuez Health occupations
Stay-At-Home Mom Two wonderful kids, my daughter is three months old wife of High scholl sweetheart Jose De La Nuez. We live in Ga now.
Joseph R. Cyr Welding
I am a field inspector / welder for the South Central region of the US for Terex Utilities Field Service out of SanAntonio, Texas; covering Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, New Mexico, and Louisiana and surrounding areas
Kimberly Givens Cosmetology
I am currently a salon owner with 8 employees. Business is great and I am so grateful I was trained by SCVTHS.
Tze Lai Building Trade
U.S. Air Force
Danielle Lawrence Nursing
Automotive Technician
Danielle Stately Landscaping
Leaving for the United States Army and getting remarried to Paul Rotunda.
Mailto: dstatelymacneer@yahoo.com