Title One-ESSA
A Parent Guide to Title I
A Parent’s Guide to Title I
Title I is a program through which most school districts receive federal funding to provide supplemental instruction for students who qualify. The funds for each school district are based on a State formula that is calculated by the number of students from economically disadvantaged homes. However, Title I services provided with federal funds are based on the academic needs of students. Students who qualify for academic support may be served in the areas of Language Arts and/or Mathematics.
Students in the Somerset County Vocational Technical School District are provided with a multitude of assessments throughout the school year. These formative, summative, and performance assessments provide the teachers with the data they need to be able to provide instruction to meet the specific needs of each child. The goal of the Title I program is to provide the instructional services the students need in order to increase student performance and academic achievement. Please, make every effort to get involved in your child’s education and be a partner in their educational experience.
Progress Monitoring
Students who receive Title I services at SCVTHS may be served by General Education Teacher(s) or Special Education Teachers who have been trained in the areas of Language Arts and Mathematics. The data may be in the form of performance on assessments, a collection of your child’s work, or classroom observations. You are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher to discuss progress, or take advantage of the opportunity to meet when progress reports are completed
In accordance with recent federal legislation, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), school districts that received Title I federal funds are required to notify parents of their right to request information regarding the professional qualifications for their child’s teacher including degrees and certifications held and whether the teacher is certified in the area he/she is teaching.
SCVT School District Parental Involvement Policy
SCVT School District is committed to the goal of providing quality education for every child. In order to achieve this goal, we would like to establish partnerships with family and community members. Everyone gains if our district and the communities we serve work together to increase student achievement for all children.
Support for children and for the school is critical to a child’s success at every step along the way. SCVT staff members intend to include family members in all aspects of the school’s mission to help students achieve, and that includes how we operate the Title I component. The goal is a school-home partnership that will help all children succeed. We thank you in advance for your assistance in working together with your child to help him/her succeed in school.
How You Can Get Involved
• Keep in contact with your child’s teacher(s) through regular phone and/or email communication
• Participate in school based events that are intended for attendance of all families (Back to School and Open House events, performances, Parent Advisory Meetings)
• Serve as a role model, showing your child that you support his/her performance in school
• Keep your child’s teacher(s) informed about events in your child’s life that may affect his/her performance in school
• Support your child’s extra-curricular activities
• Discuss ideas for parent involvement with your child’s teacher(s), counselor , principal and parent group
• Get involved in the school and have a voice; volunteer as a guest speaker, helper or chaperone