Agricultural Science
Employment of Agricultural and Food Scientists is projected to grow by about 9% over the next 10 years. The median pay for an Agricultural or Food Scientist in 2020 was $68,830 per year or $33.09 per hour.
Source: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
Agricultural Science provides a rigorous, hands on scientific education geared primarily for college bound students interested in Biology, Biotechnology, Ecology or Modern Agricultural Sciences. The curriculum includes scientific instruction in microbiology, plant and animal sciences, traditional and hydroponic operations, organic chemistry, natural resources, and agricultural mechanics. Students are also prepared to become leaders in their fields with instruction in communication, leadership, project management and marketing. The program provides students the opportunity to engage in local events run by the National FFA (formerly known as Future Farmers of America) which allows professional connections to be made with the Agricultural and Biotech communities. Seniors may earn college credits through credit articulation agreements with the County College of Morris, Delaware Valley University and Rutgers University.
Year 1
Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Year 2
Principles of Plant Related, Agricultural Science
Year 3
Animal and Plant Biotechnology
Year 4
Agribusiness, Research and Development
Independent Study:
- Agricultural Business Foundations
- Classes meet for 3 periods/2 hours per day, 5 days a week
- Average number of new students accepted per year: 8
- Opportunity for professional certifications: YES, OSHA 10 Hour Certification
- Opportunity to earn college credits: YES
Agriculture Teacher/Professor
Animal or Plant Geneticist
Environmental/Civil/Physical Engineer
Food Scientist
Landscape Architect
Marine/Coastal Scientist
Wildlife Biologist
300+ other job titles
FFA is an intercurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of three components of agricultural education, the other two components being classroom based learning and service or work based learning. SCVTHS students have the opportunity to compete for state and national recognition in both SkillsUSA and FFA competitions |
Recent Awards
- 2017 NJ FFA Outstanding Officer Team award
- 2018 NJ FFA 1st place Agricultural Sales competition
- 2018 NJ FFA Bronze medal Community Service Challenge
- 2019 NJ FFA National Chapter Award
- 2019 SCVTHS Senior was named SCVTHS Valedictorian
- 2020 NJ FFA 1st Place Agriscience Fair
- 2021 SCVTHS Two SCVTHS Scholar Athletes
Classroom and lab work range from traditional instruction to college level biological experiments that provide a strong academic foundation for student growth. Hands on projects teach scientific thinking as well as project management, leadership skills, and the real world application of scientific principles learned in the classroom. Hands on projects teach scientific thinking as well as project management, leadership skills, and the real world application of scientific principles learned in the classroom.
PARA ASISTENCIA EN ESPAÑOL LLAME AL 908-526-8900 x7298 • x7264