Business Entrepreneurship & Management
The Business Entrepreneurship & Management (BE&M) program prepares students for employment,entrepreneurial endeavors, and advanced studies in business management at two and four-year colleges and universities.
Students obtain business fundamentals:
economics, ethics, sustainability, business formation, entrepreneurship, production, operations, human resources, leadership, marketing, accounting, and finance.
Students will use data from local small business enterprises to analyze organizational structure and management systems.
Students will be introduced to a simulated stock market trading experience. Students also have the opportunity to acquire college credits through articulation agreements with area colleges and universities.
Future Careers:
Business Owner
Financial Advisor
General Manager
Human Resources
Classes include college enrollment in RVCC Introduction to Business and Small Business Management. Classes will fulfill their high school Financial Literacy requirement.
Classes meet for 2 periods/80 minutes per day, 5 days a week
Students can attend full or shared-time
Average number of new students accepted per year: 20
Opportunity for professional certifications: YES
Opportunity to earn college credits: YES
Opportunity to take the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam for college credit