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Learn Real World Skills in the Carprentry Program



Employment of carpenters is projected to grow 2 percent from 2020 to 2030.
Increased levels of new homebuilding and remodeling activity will require more carpenters.
The median pay for a carpenter in 2020 was $49,520 per year or $23.81 per hour.
Students that enter the Carpenters Union earn approximately $75,000 per year
if 40 weeks of work are obtained.

(Source: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics)


Students in the Carpentry Program learn the fundamental skills to gain employment in the millwork and construction industries. Course work is both skill and project based. Classes are held indoors and outdoors in all parts of the school year to prepare students for work in real world conditions. Students in their 4th year will have the opportunity to gain real world employment for credit as well as to learn to manage a job site and to mentor younger students.


Three carpentry students working on project




Carpentry student cutting wood

Year 1
Introduction: Safety, Carpentry Tools,
Basic Masonry and Basic Cabinetry

Year 2
Foundations: Small Exterior Structures,
Interior Walls, Drywall, Windows, Doors, Roofing

Year 3
Advanced Concepts:
Student Developed Projects,
Advanced Tools,
Advanced Materials, Advanced Masonry

Year 4
Advanced Concepts II:

Career Employment Experience
and/or In Class Mentoring
& Leadership Training


Classes meet for 3 periods/2 hours per day, 5 days a week

Average number of new students accepted per year: 6

Opportunity for professional certifications: YES

Opportunity to earn college credits: NO


Hard Work and a Good Attitude = Success



Carpentry students on scaffolding building a house


Carpentry students with hammer at construction site

Future Careers

Residential or Union Carpenter
Construction Worker
Home Builder
Industry Sales Representative
Wood Worker


Carpentry Student Plans at Graduation Graph



Recent Student

Union Training School
Princeton University Carpentry Dept.
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Raritan Valley Community College
Rutgers University
Triangle Technical Institute
US Marines
US Navy

Questions? Check out the FAQ Page

PARA ASISTENCIA EN ESPAÑOL LLAME AL 908-526-8900, x7298 • x7264

Somerset County Vocational & Technical Schools                908-526-8900                          2021-22