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Theater Arts Curriculum



We asked theater arts graduates from as far back as 2011 to share their perspectives on their time here.
They tell the story far better than we ever could.
Click on the image to watch.
Alumni Video


About the Theater Arts Program

SCVTHS's college preparatory honors theater arts department is recognized as one of the most competitive arts programs on the East Coast. Our faculty of working professionals enable our students to keep abreast of current trends and practices in the entertainment industry. Our graduates are accepted into some of the country's finest college and university drama programs and abroad.  

Students from Somerset and Hunterdon Counties in 8th through 11th  grades may apply. An audition is mandatory. The audition application deadline is in February for the following school year. Students may attend as shared-time or full-time students. Physical education & health requirements are satisfied in our program for all students. The sending school district pays for tuition for out-of-county residents at no cost to the student. The sending school district provides transportation.                          
Each student receives 16 honors credits per year, which include health & physical education. (An application to our program can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.)

Theater arts students will track in one of the two areas of study described below. Though both have a rich foundation in the study of acting with the goals of creating clear, vibrant, and compelling stage behavior, the vocal music track of study emphasizes the development of the singing voice.

Candidates may audition for either or both.

In addition to in-class training, students will perform each year in various studio workshops, informal and our mainstage performance.  

The acting program offers exciting and rigorous courses of study that refine performance techniques while challenging each student to discover the nuances of creative expression.
Acting courses explore varied training methods, including improvisation, ensemble, and Meisner techniques. Support and masterclasses include voice and movement,  vocal music,
audition techniques, dance, script analysis, playwriting, technical theater, and theater history.

The acting with vocal music program offers the same diverse and extensive course of study as the acting program, with an additional goal of developing technically proficient singers with a profound connection to character development. Additional  course  studies include vocal music, dance, music theory, and a study of American musical theater from
classical composition to contemporary pop scores.

Audition technique/pre-screen college audition coaching
Vocal music (beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction)
Monologue and song repertory
Scene analysis                                                                                                                                         
Theater history
Technical theater
Voice & speech

Mainstage production
Informal class presentations
First-year informal

Just a reminder to anyone who attends our performances that absolutely no one is granted the right to take photos or videotape our performances.  

Guest artists include working professional actors teaching master classes. Sessions are scheduled throughout the year to keep students aware of contemporary issues related to the theater.               


For more information about the acting program,  please contact:
David Seamon

(908) 526-8900 ext. 7258 

Please click here for all Performing Arts Program applications