Department Information
Maria Johnson |
Stephanie Mathews |
Jessica Hernandez |
Shianti Frazier |
Linda Caterinicchia |
Janet Cantore-Watson |
Counseling |
Maureen Lawler Academy 9 |
Samantha Carter Academy 10 |
Susan Kiser Academy 11 |
Karen Winfield Academy 12 |
Child Study Team A Child Study Team is made up of a school psychologist, learning disabilities teacher/consultant (LDT/C), and a school social worker. We help support students with disabilities in their academic and CTE classes by monitoring their Individual Education Plans (IEPs), conducting initial and reevaluations to determine eligibility, and providing case management to help students reach their goals. |
Dr. Melissa Norrbom Agricultural Science |
Chris Lemongelli |
Dr. Maria Santiago Academy |
School Nurses |
Seohyun Lee |
Sara Webb School Nurse 908-526-8900, x 7347 |