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Students may not carry any medication on school grounds. All medications must be given to the school nurse to keep locked in the health office, with the exception of:

Asthma inhalers and Epinephrine for severe allergic reactions, as well as Diabetic supplies, are the only medications that may be carried by a student. Epinephrine and diabetic medications require an Administration of Prescription Medication form that is completed by the doctor and signed by the parent/guardian. Students with asthma must have an Asthma Action Plan completed by the doctor as well as being signed by the parent/guardian.  Parents (not students) need to bring the medication to school in the original container, which is appropriately labeled by the pharmacy. All medication forms must be completed on an annual basis.  The medical orders are only valid for one school year.  If a student is going to play a sport he or she will not be medically cleared by our school physician until the valid forms are in the health office. Likewise, a student will not be cleared to go on any class trips/functions until the forms are on file.

Over the Counter ibuprofen, acetaminophen and Tums can be administered with a signed parent Over the Counter Administration form. This form is valid for the entire time at SCVTHS unless you notify the health office of any changes. 

All Health Office forms are available here.