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Agricultural Science Blog 2016

Welcome new students and families and returning students and families!  We have full enrollment again this year and a waiting list for new students to come in. The program continues to grow.

The tomatoes were growing very well over the summer, even without regular watering.  There were about 40 tomatoes that we sent to the Culinary Arts program and these have been used so far for students to prepare a tasting lunch for staff.


Students harvest tomatoes and donate to Culinary Arts Program

Year one or Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) students have been studying for tests and having fun while reviewing before a test.

Reviewing using Sidewalk Chalks

Over the summer one of our first year AFNR students was accepted to be a USDA Ag Discovery participant.  Jayden attended a four week camp in Illinois and was exposed to many areas of agriculture that we don't get to see on a everyday basis.  In a 20 minute presentation Jayden made to the class, he strongly encouraged other students to apply since this experience provided him an incredible outlook for career opportunities for young Ag Science students.

Jayden shares his USDA Ag Discovery Camp experiences


Finally for this post, I was part of a virtual Book club over the summer to earn professional development hours.  The book was "The Innovator's Mindset" buy George Couros.  The group I read and inacteracted with regarding the readings was National Association of Agricultural Educators.  I found several areas that I have been looking to add, or do more with less, after being inspried by this book and other NAAE Ag teachers in the U.S.  I am interviewing students to find out what they are interesed in learning this school year, I am looking for ways for students to help increase the visibility of the Agricultural Science program (perhaps by students writing their own blogs), and give students a chance to receive feedback from peers and parents, and finally focus on student's strengths to build confidence and give them energy to tackle difficult tasks.  This book opened my eye to several opportunities I can implement to help students and the Ag Science program.  I hope the students are as excited about the school as I am!

  • Discovery
  • Innovator
  • tomatoes