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Medical Terminology

Welcome to Medical Terminology home page 

This is a single semester course. Information pertaining to the course can be found in the attached files.


Medical Terminology Textbook


SkillsUSA Medical Terminology Competition

SkillsUSA Organization runs a Medical Terminology Competition.
The following information pertains to the contest if a student chooses to participate in it.
This contest involves successful completion of a written medical terminology knowledge test. Contestants will demonstrate knowledge of medical word roots, prefixes, suffixes, medical word building and medical abbreviations by successfully answering the questions.


Preparation for the Medical Terminology Competition can be done by:

  • Using the Medical Terminology textbooks to study the relevant topics
  • Frequently practicing the terms
  • Reviewing material posted on this website
  • Checking the guidelines provided in class 

For more information visit

SkillsUSA Categories and Descriptions



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