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Welcome to Project Lead The Way
Computer Science Essentials

Voice Mail: 

PLTW Computer Science Essentials
Mrs. Sharon Phillips
908-526-8900 X-7346

Computer Science Essentials introduces students to coding fundamentals through an approachable, block-based
programming language where they will have early success in creating usable apps. As students sharpen their
computational thinking skills, they will transition to programming environments that reinforce coding fundamentals by
displaying block programming and text-based programming side-by-side. Finally, students will learn the power of
text-based programming as they are introduced to the Python® programming language. The course engages students in
computational thinking practices and collaboration strategies, as well as industry-standard tools authentic to how
Computer science professionals work. Students will learn about professional opportunities in computer science and how
computing can be an integral part of all careers today.

Students coding Self Driving Vehicle

Year 1: Computer Science Essentials: Students will use visual, block-based programming and seamlessly transition to
text-based programming with languages such as Python to create apps and develop websites.

Year 2: Cybersecurity: Nationally, computational resources are vulnerable and frequently attacked; in Cybersecurity,
students solve problems by understanding and closing these vulnerabilities.

Year 3: Computer Science Principles: Using Python® as a primary tool, students learn the fundamentals of coding, data
processing, data security, and task automation.

Year 4: Computer Science A: Students cultivate their understanding of coding through analyzing, writing, and testing
code as they explore concepts like modularity, variables, and control structures.

Classes meet for 2 periods/80 min per day, 5 days a week
Average number of new students accepted per year: 7
Opportunity for professional certifications: YES
Opportunity to earn college credits: NO

We will be using Google Classroom to communicate, share resources, and submit assignments. Please visit using your student account and join our class. 
Please feel free to contact me