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Dr. T's Home Page - Welcome!

Social Studies Instructor / Anthropology Professor:     

  • U.S. History II
  • World History (honors course; career pathways)
  • Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 college credits from RVCC)
  • Human Origins (3 college credits from RVCC)

ANNOUNCEMENT:  Starting Monday, March 16, homework handouts and class notes will be available for each class on in the "homework" section (select "homework" on bar at left), along with the usual list of homework assignments.


E-mail (the best way to contact me):        

Phone: 908.526.8900 x7156

Homework policy: Quality, not quantity.  Students receive one homework assignment per week, usually in the form of a one-page reaction paper.  I expect them to contemplate the assignment, apply their critical thinking skills and compose an organized, thoughtful response.  Late work is accepted for credit only when a student has an excused absence.  

Reading is homework, too!  Especially in college credit anthropology courses.  There is one chapter of reading per week, sometimes supplemented with journal articles.

Classroom rules and procedures:  Respect others and yourself.  No question is a dumb question.  Keep cell phone in the holder at back of room during class.  Sign out to use the bathroom.  Only one person may leave for the bathroom at a time.  Lastly, take pride in working to your full potential.


Teaching Philosophy

I approach teaching from an anthropological perspective: there is a cultural context for historical and current events, a reason why people do what they do.

Classroom goal: To help students develop critical thinking skills.  Critical thinking is the ability to clearly formulate questions, gather and assess information, think open-mindedly and communicate effectively to find a solution.  It is the universal key to well-organized thought.  Critical thinkers are able to challenge assumptions and overcome biases by applying intellectual standards to their thought processes.  A student who thinks critically makes informed decisions, does not prejudge, and objectively examines the world.

Preferred teaching method: Socratic, engaging students in intellectual discussion of classroom material (e.g. text books, journal articles, current and historical events, lecture content) using questions that encourage critical analysis of available information.

Motivational methods: Praise, generating a supportive atmosphere in which students are unafraid to ask questions or develop and share ideas; no question is a "dumb question," no answer is a "bad answer."

Each student is capable of thinking critically, creatively and independently.  I work to create a supportive, engaging environment where students hone their thinking skills and develop a sense of self-worth and assuredness. 

  • Ph.D.   Anthropology, State University of New York at Buffalo 2006
  • M.A.    Anthropology, State University of New York at Buffalo 2002
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